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10 Agricultural Business Ideas For Aspiring Entrepreneurs

The demand for agricultural products both in Nigeria and the world at large will always be on the high side because food is one of the basic needs of man. Thus, as an entrepreneur, you can key into this demand and set up an agro business, creating enormous wealth for yourself.
There are many reasons every young aspiring entrepreneur should look into agriculture. There are endless opportunities in agriculture and more people are starting to realize that, especially young people.

The best way to get started in agriculture is to find and learn from people who are already involved in it

The first hand, hands-on knowledge far outweighs anything you will read from any book. The prices quoted in this article are relative; they vary with time and place but should give you a general idea of what to expect.

HowNG brings you 10 agriculture business ideas are the followings

1. Poultry Farming – Broilers

This is for meat production. The good thing about broilers is that they take very little time to mature.

The best time to start this business is February against Easter sales and October for December sales. These prices are relative, of course, and are subject to time and place. But it gives you a general idea about how lucrative this business could be. You don’t need any specialized skills to start, just your determination to succeed and willingness to learn.

2. Poultry farming – Layers breeding

Here you are breeding your layer chickens with the major aim of having them lay eggs. It takes more time and costs a bit more money for this business to mature but here is the good thing: it gives you two major sources of revenue. You sell the eggs, which is very lucrative anytime, and when the layers become weak, you sell them as well.

3. Poultry feed production

You could start feed production and supply feeds to all the poultry farms around you. Feeds is a major money spinner in poultry business because for chicken to grow they need to eat, a lot.

It requires that you know a lot about poultry farming and what constitutes the feeds. Again, learning from people who are already in the business saves you many mistakes downtime. Here is our article on how to start your own poultry feed production business.

4. Poultry Farming – Hatcheries

There are people who specialize in hatching day old chicks for poultry farmers. Because of the demand on poultry farmers to grow more chicken, hatcheries are usually booked round the clock.

This is an opportunity for more people to enter this line of business because in poultry farming, it’s rare for one farm to be involved in all processes. Specialization is key.

5. Poultry equipment manufacturing

These are usually skilled artisans who construct various equipment needed on the poultry farm – welders, carpenters, electricians etc. You can learn the various specifications needed for the poultry equipment and you are in business.

6. Chicken and egg distribution business

This basically involves bridging the gap between poultry farmers and the consumer market. It is very lucrative and requires relatively little money to start-up.

You can focus only on chicken, eggs or both. You meet poultry farmers, buy their stock and resell them in the market to wholesalers and retailers. It does not need any special skills, only your marketing abilities and a working vehicle.

7. Fresh vegetables business

The fresh vegetables business is a small-scale business that you can start with little or no capital base. One benefit of this business is that it requires no cost of maintenance to run the business. Also, there is always demand for fresh leafy vegetables like; the Waterleaf, Scent Leaf, Ugu leaf and Green.

To run this business, you need a small space in your compound or nearby farm where you can cultivate the vegetables. For cultivation, you only need to plant the stem of the vegetable. It takes six weeks or less for the vegetables to mature for harvest. You cut the leaves and sell to consumers and marketers.

8. Cucumber Farming Business

Cucumbers are the 14th most planted vegetable in the world. They are juicy, nutritious and favored by many people for their many health benefits.

Cucumber farming is a very lucrative business as entrepreneurs who are already in the business will testify. The right time to start is now! Here is a detailed post on how to start cucumber farming business in Nigeria.

9. Catfish Farming

Catfish is a unique type of fish rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids which helps in managing the human cholesterol levels.

The numerous health benefit of this species of fish makes its demand higher among health-conscious eaters especially people above the age of forty. Restaurants, fast food joints, hotels, food courts (shopping malls like Shoprite), local pepper soup joints, market women, secondary and tertiary institution of learning and offices are possible markets for any entrepreneur venturing into catfish farming in Nigeria.

The profitability of catfish farming depends on how much you are willing to invest as an entrepreneur.

Apart from catfish farming, you can also specialize on feeds for the fish. This is another lucrative aspect in the fish business. There are lots of articles on the internet about how to start catfish farming in Nigeria.

As I explained earlier, the best training you can get is by visiting a successful catfish farm and seeing things firsthand.

10. Snail farming

This is another business that is often neglected by entrepreneurs. You can source for small snails either from villages or from snail farmers; rear the snails for a given time and sell for profit.

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