
CNG More Reliable And Affordable Than Petrol, Says Expert

Former Editor of Energy Watch, Monday Ashibogwu, says Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is a reliable energy alternative to petrol which is now expensive.

The former editor spoke on Channels Television’s breakfast programme, Sunrise Daily, on Tuesday.

He said, “The CNG is the way to go because one of the advantages is that it is clean energy and it is also environmentally friendly. The only question we have now is if the capacity of the transition is seamless because it is quite costly for you to convert it except if you get support from the government.”

Although the Federal Government announced that it would release CNG kits nationwide, many are still worried about how this new canister would power their cars, and generators, without causing any harm.

Ashibogwu allayed the fears of people, saying, “They (CNG kits) are built within every safe parameter, and they follow the safety rules of installing them in vehicles. People are using them all over the world and we’ve had fewer cases of accidents from vehicles being powered by CNG.”

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