
Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation Partners with OPTS to Empower Civil Servants

The Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to changing public service delivery in Africa, has launched a new collaboration with the Oil Producers Trade Section (OPTS).

This alliance seeks to provide specialized training for Federal Civil Service directors to improve their leadership, project management, and communication abilities.

The Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation will collaborate with the Office of the Head of the Nigerian Civil Service to deliver the training. This effort demonstrates the NGO’s dedication to improving public-sector leadership and efficiency.

During a courtesy visit to OPTS leadership, Bukky Akinsemoyin, the foundation’s director of finance and partnerships, emphasized the value of teamwork.

“We are happy with OPTS’s participation and support for this essential endeavor. Equipping public service directors with the requisite skills will considerably improve their ability to perform important services while also driving national development. “This initiative demonstrates the positive impact that can be achieved when the public and private sectors collaborate,” she said.

“We at OPTS strongly believe in supporting projects that boost Nigeria’s public sector. By investing in director capacity, we are investing in Nigeria’s future. “OPTS is proud to collaborate with the Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation on this important program,” stated Gwueke Ajaifia, OPTS executive director.

The Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s industry organization, OPTS, represents approximately 30 Nigerian oil and gas businesses holding prospecting or mining licenses. This collaboration is a significant step towards improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public services in Nigeria.

The Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation and OPTS collaborate to strengthen the public sector through training programs. By providing civil service directors with necessary skills, they are investing in Nigeria’s future. This effort demonstrates the benefits of collaboration and is expected to lead to improved service delivery and national development.

The Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation, established by Aigboje and his wife Ofovwe, gave N2.3 billion ($5 million) in 2023 to improve healthcare in Africa. The donation helps the Private Sector Health Alliance of Nigeria implement a healthcare facility program that intends to create world-class primary healthcare clinics in each of Nigeria’s 774 local governments.

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